Saturday, March 23, 2013

The Children

Every once in a while I'm reminded that we take pictures when we aren't traveling out and about. So I thought I would throw in some fun photos (mostly of the children) that we have taken over the past few moments.
 My girl on her Pinkalishes skateboard.
Christmas lights stay up until March here.
                                                                             The Diva.

                                                It's the little things that make them happy.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

24 hours in Brisbane, Australia

I got to go on a quick trip that spent 17 hours in Guam and 24 in Brisbane, Australia. It was the second time I've been to Australia and continued my animal encounter theme.
We went to the Lone Pine Koala Sanctuary and I got to hold one.
He is a male named Maximus.
 "I once had an infestation of was the cutest infestation ever."
This is actually easier with a Baby Bjorn or a pack :)
They had every unusual Aussie animal
The Kookaburra
The Dingo
The Wombat
The Emu (and theirs looked much healthier than the wild one we saw in the Bush in the Norther Territory)
 And, of course, Kangaroos
So in the span of not much time I got to touch Elephants, Tigers, Koalas and Kangaroos
Pretty cool. Check out the Joey in the back left with his head in the pouch
There were also a bunch of little Wallabies hoppin' around
And finally, the platypus. They also had lots of cool birds and some small crocodiles, but nothing like the crocs up on the Adelaide in Darwin. The first time I went to see the platypus, he wasn't there, and I was like, "where's Perry?" He was back later, though, must have been after Doofenschmirtz was defeated. I was so used to seeing Perry that I was surprised that the real one had web feet for all four feet instead of hands for the front two. Queensland was very green and not at all like the Outback in the Northern Territory. I look forward to being able to go back some day with the family.