Monday, January 14, 2013

Christmas time on island

Merry Christmas, Everybody! We love celebrating this time of year on our wonderful island.

 Instead of snow angels, we made sand angels.

Dressed up for the holidays.

 Santa's little helper

Meeting the big guy at the O'Club to put in some last minute requests.

 The lesser known but very important Christmas Koi

 Christmas Eve pizza at Uncle and Tia's

We received a weekend of childcare and reservations at a beautiful ocean front hotel in May. 
An incredibly thoughtful gift.

Santa was kind

So excited!

Very ready to go downstairs and for dad to be done turning on the lights and starting the music.

Wait for me, guys!

 Hulk smash!

 So cool
Merry Christmas to All, and see ya


  1. Oh, how I miss the regular posts! I can't believe how quickly the kiddos are growing up. I'd give anything to be in warmer weather right now.. maybe a pair of fins and a full tank of air!

  2. Aww, Evanses! You guys sure know how to party. Thanks for sharing the pictures. I love them! Well, except for the spider bite ones. I cried for you, Summer. I hope you're all better now. We miss you!
