Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Mr. Butterworth Is Dead!

Before you have children it would seem others try to share their own experiences to brace you for what in reality nothing really can prepare you for. Children have a way of bringing out each emotion to a capacity that didn't exist before they did. When I'm happy with my children, it is a greater happiness then I have previously experienced. When I'm scared for my children, it is a greater fear that I have previously known, and so forth. However, along with that my children have the ability to make me laugh in such wonderful ways that I never have before and in ways no one could have possibly seen coming.
An example of this took place during our weekly pancake breakfast. My daughters first real and still favorite food are pancakes, so each Saturday my sweet husband makes them for her. As we sat down to this sweet and fluffy feast I whipped out Mrs. Butterworth. ( I have in my life time only purchased Mrs. Butterworth and I don't see this changing any time soon.) As I begin to glaze the fluffy blueberry stack with this sweet concoction my daughter broke the silence with an unforeseen announcement, "Mr. Butterworth is dead". We sat in silence not sure if we should laugh or begin the grieving process. Thankfully my husband broke the silence after this startling announcement with a simple fact, "He was probably poisoned". And so the Saturday morning table conversation began. My son oblivious to anything except what could be put in his mouth, my husband and daughter carrying on a matter of fact conversation on this tragic death and me sitting there with mixed waves of emotion from trying to figure out where my daughter came up with this special announcement to bouts of laughter that caused my eyes to water and my stomach to hurt.
My son not to be out done in the shock and awe department, held his moment of extreme emotion for bath time. Now let me just preface this story by saying we are trying to potty train our son. So his bath was over and he ran at slippery lightening speed into his bedroom, and directly for his closet. It is in this closet that we keep a basket filled with books for his reading pleasure. My husband was hot on his soapy little heals so he could contain him and get him dressed, but all to fast the incident happened. I heard my husbands voice partially filled with fear and partially fill with laughter call for me. By now he had the destroyer contained and as I passed him in the hall way running with our son to the potty he told me to simply look in the closet. Apparently, at the end of bath time my husband told my son he could pick out a book to read. In all of the excitement my son forgot about his clothes and went right for the books where he surprised him self my peeing on the books. Scared at what was coming out of his body and not sure how to make it stop he quickly just sat on the floor until my husband rescued him from himself. The damage was minimal, the laughter was not. My poor son was embarrassed by the whole experience but my husband and I still find ourselves laughing about the incident. Thank goodness for carpet cleaner, but mostly thank goodness for the sweet angels that come into our lives and the privilege we have to call them our children.


  1. So cute! I love your adorable little family!

  2. He he he! Just wait until he starts sleep walking and heads for the corner or closet! :) Oh, and did you share that Mrs. Butterworth is dead too?
